Lindsey Treffry of PETA recently reported on photographer David Williams’s ongoing project: MEN & CATS. Williams decided to smash the stereotype of the Crazy Old Cat Lady.
Williams lives in New York City with his girlfriend and their cat Sandy, rescued after Hurricane Katrina in 2012. Williams loves his cat. And he noticed that many of his male friends loved their cats too. As a portrait photographer, Williams thought it would be useful and fun to do a series of photos of men with their cats.
The pictures that follow show environments that are structured and cluttered, expensive and Sally Ann furnished. But the one thing that definitely stands out is that these guys are in love with their cats and vis versa! CHECK OUT ALL THE PICTURES OF MEN AND CATS BELOW AND….
REMEMBER EVERYONE: LCHS has LOTS of great cats up for adoption…why not make it your first option? Check some of them out at: Lincoln County Humane Society
SOURCE: David Williams Photography
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SOURCE: David Williams Photography