A long awaited Grimsby GO Station at Casablanca looks like it has the green light to move forward soon.
Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria, who made the announcement at Grimsby town hall Tuesday morning referred to the station as a game changer that will give people more travel opportunities. He said the Grimsby GO station is part of the province’s $70-billion plan to expand transit across Ontario.
Timelines that were specific were not given however for the completion.
Frank Miele, Grimsby’s economic development officer, said a GO train station in town would result in a big boost to the local economy in terms of new commercial and residential development.
However, not all were on the same page. Dave Augustyn, the NDP candidate in Niagara West, said the announcement is not as impressive as it might seem calling it a “reannouncement” with no concrete plans.
For more information about the Grimsby GO station plan, please visit the website HERE.