On Sunday, February 01, 2015 the Niagara Regional Police conducted our annual Super Bowl Sunday RIDE initiative. The extreme inclement weather limited the officers’ ability to safely stand in the road way at traditional RIDE checkpoints, so officers adapted the impaired driving initiative to include mobile enforcement.
According to police, between 7 pm and midnight, mobile officers stopped 29 vehicles. Of those drivers, 6 were required to provide breath samples into a roadside screening device. As a result, 1 driver was charged with Over 80mg. Secondary breath samples of his breath at the police station registered almost double the legal limit of 80mg. His vehicle was impounded for 7 days, and his drivers licence was immediately suspended for 90 days.
Officers also issued 5 Provincial Offence Notices for various Highway Traffic Act offences.
Impaired driving remains the number one criminal cause of death, and the Niagara Regional Police are committed to removing impaired drivers from the roadways of Niagara. Police ask for public assistance in our efforts by calling police when seeing a possible impaired driver, stopping friends or family members who have been drinking from driving, and planning ahead when attending social events involving alcohol. Your actions can help save lives. Please don’t drink and drive.
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