On Saturday February 7th 2015, members of the Special Enforcement Unit conducted a traffic initiative, “Operation Snow Blind” targeting “Distracted Driving” and “Seat Belt” infractions at intersection of St. Paul Street and Ontario Street in the City of St. Catharines.

Police say on this particular day, the weather was -3 degrees and the road conditions were wet and slippery. These conditions combined with “Distracted Driving” were a concern to Police as it compromises the safety of the driver, passengers, bystanders and those in other vehicles.

“Operation Snow Blind” is an initiative where Police in both plain clothes and uniform, using unmarked vehicles, conduct traffic enforcement which focuses on “Distracted Driving” and “Seat Belt” offences in busy intersections within the Region.

Between the hours of 10:00 am and 12:00 pm, a total of 19 motorists were issued Provincial Offence Notices for various Highway Traffic Act and Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act offences. Of those charged, 10 drivers were operating their vehicles while holding or using hand-held wireless communication device or other prescribed devices that are capable of receiving or transmitting telephone communications, electronic data, mail or text messages. 2 drivers were charged with failing to properly wear seat belts. Other motorists were issued Provincial Offence Notices for failing to surrender insurance cards, failing to surrender permits for motor vehicles and drive motor vehicle without current validated plates.

The Niagara Regional Police Service remains committed to road safety through education and enforcement campaigns like “Operation Snow Blind”.

Members of the public are encouraged to contact the Traffic Hotline 905-688-4111 ext. 5555 with any traffic concerns.

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