Here is the weather forecast from Environment Canada for the week ahead in Niagara Region.

Today Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers and risk of a thunderstorm. High 19. UV index 6 or high.
Tonight Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers or drizzle. Risk of a thunderstorm this evening. Low 10.

Sat, 4 May Mainly cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers or drizzle in the morning. High 21. Humidex 25. UV index 7 or high.
Night Cloudy. Low 11.

Sun, 5 May Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. High 16.
Night Cloudy. Low 11.

Mon, 6 May Clearing. High 18.
Night Clear. Low 12.

Tue, 7 May Cloudy. High 18.
Night Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. Low 14.

Wed, 8 May Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. High 20.
Night Cloudy. Low 13.

Thu, 9 May Cloudy. High 18.

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