The Niagara Region’s weather forecast includes cloudy skies today with a 30 percent chance of flurries early this morning then a mix of sun and cloud. Wind up to 15 km/h. High minus 1. Wind chill near minus 8. UV index 2 or low. Tonight, mainly cloudy. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 9. Wind chill near minus 14.
Thu, 30 Jan
Mainly cloudy. Wind up to 15 km/h. High zero. Wind chill minus 12 in the morning.
Cloudy. Low minus 3.
Fri, 31 Jan
Cloudy. High plus 1.
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. Low minus 1.
Sat, 1 Feb
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. High plus 1.
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. Low zero.
Sun, 2 Feb
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of flurries. High plus 1.
Cloudy. Low zero.
Mon, 3 Feb
Cloudy. High plus 3.
Cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers. Low plus 3.
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